Jillian's Army

A site to provide updates on Jillian Moore's fight against Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer

Hi Jillian’s Army! We know this honored kid…

Hey Jillian’s Army!

Hope you are all doing well, it’s been awhile and Jillian is doing great.  She is fresh back from a weekend spent at Knott’s Berry Farm with General Dad and her sister, Sienna.  While she was having fun, I saw on my Facebook timeline that St. Baldrick’s featured Jillian as their “honored kid” on Saturday.  It was also on Twitter and Instagram, and probably other social media networks I know nothing about.

We have posted before about how great St. Baldrick’s is and how they fund research and have even given grants to the clinic that Jillian was treated at.  March is their big fundraising push and this Saturday, March 4th, there will be a HUGE shaving event at McMullan’s Irish Pub.  This is one of the top St. Baldrick’s events and there are 427 participants scheduled including a cool guy I know named KC Camis.  This is KC’s first shave and he is doing awesome so far.  If you’d like to donate to KC’s shave, you can do so by reading this post on the Jillian’s Army website and clicking here.

We are all so blessed that Jillian is doing well.  St. Baldrick’s is a big reason why there is more hope for kids diagnosed with cancer than ever before.  We appreciate them and are proud that they featured Jillian. We hope everyone at McMullan’s and the Bald By Design team have a great shave on Saturday.  We give them all a Jillian’s Army SALUTE!!

St Baldricks Honored Kid Jillian– Aunt Paula

Thanksgiving post 2016

Better late than never! Due to technical difficulties on our site, my post from Thanksgiving never posted. So here is a new one! 
Hope everyone had a safe turkey day. The girls had an early dinner with me and my family. Then General dad picked them up for an evening with his family. 
Our warrior is doing very good. She is enjoying a normal life. As times goes on, she seems to be forgetting everything she has gone through. We have now graduated to scans AND labs every 6 months. So April we will face the uncertainty once again. It’s a great feeling knowing she is no longer sick. But the memories still haunt us. Every time she complains of leg pain… or a head ache… panic sets in. My heart knows she is fine but my head questions everything. It’s definately not a state of mind I wish for anyone to have to live in. But we do our best to live in the “now”.
And “now” is making cookies, wrapping presents and waiting for Santa… for tonight, the magic will happen. 
Merry Christmas Eve troops!
CIC momma

Scan Results and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The last few days have been extremely stressful on this whole family. September 21st marks the 2 year mark that Jillian has been off treatment. And that was also scan day as was the 22nd (they do scans for two days here). Not only does the anxiety of making our girl drink the contrast and endure the iv pokes make us crazy, but then the waiting for results…. Sometimes it’s too much to bear. We have seen kids like Hazel relapse after being good for two years. It haunts us. But after some relentless phone calls, we were able to get the results very quickly. Our brave girl remains NED! Sigh of relief. We are good for another 6 months.

September is coming to a close and there are still other children facing brutal treatments and relapses… my heart hurts for them and their parents. We need more awareness. We need more funding to find a cure. All the Vegas and Henderson troops can come out and support The Ronan Thompson Foundation next Wednesday night. Zoo Karaoke will be hosting a benefit to raise funds for this foundation. They are making great strides in there quest for new treatment options to put an end to Neuroblastoma. I will be there singing my heart out for my little warrior! Thank you all for your love, prayers and white light sent our way. We felt it!

CIC momma

P.S. Jillian’s scans are clear!!!  No evidence of disease!!!  The karaoke benefit show is at Sunset Downtown at 203 S. Water Street and if you can’t attend donate here Zoo Karaoke Benefit

Beach Vacation

Good morning troops. I am enjoying the cooler fall-like temps!!! And as summer slips away once again, I realized I never posted pics from the girls trip to the beach this year. We went with grandma & grandpa to the timeshare in CA. While we  enjoyed the sun and the sand, we also went to Universal Studios.. HARRY POTTER WORLD!!! Yes, we are huge fans.  Sienna belongs to the Gryffindor House, I – Ravenclaw.. Jillian… Any guesses??? She should have been placed in Slytherin, but chose Gryffindor like big sis. We had a blast! Enjoy the pics!

It’s September-Go Gold

Before we get inundated with pink ribbons everywhere come October, let us take a moment to go gold now that it is September. I am seeing more support than ever before for our kids. But it’s still not enough. Awareness leads to funding and funding leads to new drugs; eventually leading to a cure.  Spread the word…. September is childhood cancer awareness month. Are you aware???

Our Warrior Starts 1st Grade

I know it’s cliche to have mixed emotions about the first day of school.  I walked Jillian and Sienna to their line up dots on the playground this morning. Sien found her friends as usual. And Jillian gripped my hand tightly as she waited for her new teacher to lead the line of students into the building. I had to let go as she walked into the building…and of course I couldn’t hold back the tears. I feel so silly crying. But the truth is, this is yet another moment that was almost taken from me… From her… From all of us. I don’t take any of these moments for granted. So have a Kleenex and an adult beverage….Here’s to the first day of school! Cheers!

CIC momma

Almost Back to School Time

Today the girls went to their school to see their classrooms and meet their new teachers. They are both excited to go back to school. Jillian is starting  1st grade… A milestone I thought would be taken from her and the family.  I loved watching her explore her classroom and sit in all the different seats wondering which one she will get. She is excited that she is on the “big kids playground” this year.  She is excited to make new “best friends” and she promised me she wouldn’t cry this year; wish I could promise the same. Her big sister Sienna starts 4th grade and is just happy to get to see her friends again and have new clothes. My precious Sienna was just a baby starting first grade when Jilli was diagnosed. I feel like I missed out on her first grade year.Just Another thing cancer took from our lives. But here we are moving forward, let the school year begin and new memories made.

CIC momma

Hey Army…

As Jillian prepares to start first grade, can you all please keep this other Neuroblastoma warrior in your thoughts? Her name is Hazel. Amber explains the situation well:

“My heart hurts…. This is the biggest fear of mine. Hazel has been NED for two years. I am praying so hard for this family and this little girl…. Her scans are coming back suspicious. She may be relapsing. The same kind of cancer that Jillian had. Jilli has been NED for two years also. This is a repeating nightmare for me. Every Time I see another NB case relapse, I always think it could be Jillian next.

Please send love and prayers for this family.”

Here is a link to Hazel’s page if you’d like to show some love from Jillian’s Army:

Our Little Hazelnut
On Facebook: Hope For Hazel


3 Years Ago Today

Today is always a hard one for me… I stand in her doorway with my coffee watching her peacefully sleeping. 3 years ago today I almost lost her and had no idea. I was reluctant to even take her to the doctor over a low grade fever. But because it had persisted for over 4 days and she didn’t want her beloved chocolate milk, I decided I had to find out what was going on. Still in our pj’s, we went in first thing. We were referred to the e.r. for xrays – it’s probably just a blockage in her intestines. These pics are from that day. She was still in her pj’s. I remember how much she was sweating so I had to put her in a fresh top. She still had her silly going when we told her to do “mustache” but she wasn’t very happy. Doctors and nurses rushing around us whispering…throwing words around like cancer and tumor. I heard bits and pieces of conversations …we can’t get a vein, she’s dehydrated, she needs a blood transfusion, critical condition, admission to PICU….All the while you’re thinking “what the hell is happening, she was fine last week, or so I thought.” Then they tell me they are handing us over to the oncologist…a cancer doctor? How the fuck does a 3 year old get cancer? And then to get sent home to gather clothes and necessities because this will be our new home for who knows how long. Seeing her empty bed and her toys left untouched..not knowing if she will ever come home again. Her big sister, scared to death and confused. Her daddy, helpless, and unable to fix this. 

Because relapse is such a high probability…this is the stuff that goes through my brain every year at this time. So far she has remained cancer free and I continue to pray for miracles. The further we get from the end of treatment, the better I feel. NED is fabulous but remission is just slightly beyond our reach. 

I relive that week over and over… She is tough. We have all been made a little tougher. I stood strong because I had to…scarred from the battle that she should not have survived. But she did.

We all did.

All of you who fought along side us… You mean more to me that you will ever know! Thank you! SALUTE!CIC momma

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