Jillian's Army

A site to provide updates on Jillian Moore's fight against Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer

3 Years Ago Today

Today is always a hard one for me… I stand in her doorway with my coffee watching her peacefully sleeping. 3 years ago today I almost lost her and had no idea. I was reluctant to even take her to the doctor over a low grade fever. But because it had persisted for over 4 days and she didn’t want her beloved chocolate milk, I decided I had to find out what was going on. Still in our pj’s, we went in first thing. We were referred to the e.r. for xrays – it’s probably just a blockage in her intestines. These pics are from that day. She was still in her pj’s. I remember how much she was sweating so I had to put her in a fresh top. She still had her silly going when we told her to do “mustache” but she wasn’t very happy. Doctors and nurses rushing around us whispering…throwing words around like cancer and tumor. I heard bits and pieces of conversations …we can’t get a vein, she’s dehydrated, she needs a blood transfusion, critical condition, admission to PICU….All the while you’re thinking “what the hell is happening, she was fine last week, or so I thought.” Then they tell me they are handing us over to the oncologist…a cancer doctor? How the fuck does a 3 year old get cancer? And then to get sent home to gather clothes and necessities because this will be our new home for who knows how long. Seeing her empty bed and her toys left untouched..not knowing if she will ever come home again. Her big sister, scared to death and confused. Her daddy, helpless, and unable to fix this. 

Because relapse is such a high probability…this is the stuff that goes through my brain every year at this time. So far she has remained cancer free and I continue to pray for miracles. The further we get from the end of treatment, the better I feel. NED is fabulous but remission is just slightly beyond our reach. 

I relive that week over and over… She is tough. We have all been made a little tougher. I stood strong because I had to…scarred from the battle that she should not have survived. But she did.

We all did.

All of you who fought along side us… You mean more to me that you will ever know! Thank you! SALUTE!CIC momma

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