Jillian's Army

A site to provide updates on Jillian Moore's fight against Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer

Our Warrior Graduates Kindergarten

Seems like it was just yesterday I dropped her off for the first day of kindergarten. Now the school year has come to an end and Jillian has promoted to the first grade.  The school held a little ceremony for all the kindergartners. They sang songs and read poems; it was the cutest thing.  It brought tears to my eyes. Jillian even got a reading award for knowing 100 sight words. I am so proud of her….

Our big first grader!!!!

Attention NY Troops

Brave The Shave- NY peeps….

Check it out if you can!! I hate cancer and I still continue to support those who fight! I encourage you all to still fight! Until there’s a cure, the battle will continue. Who’s child will be next?



Update on General Dad

Just a quick update on our warrior Jillian’s daddy. The surgery on Tuesday went good and after spending one day in the hospital, they released him. He spent one night at his folks house but today he is home resting. Thank you for all your love and support once again!!!!


CIC momma

General Dad needs prayers

Hi Troops…

CIC momma here.  Today was a scary day for the family. It started out like a normal day.. It was Jesse’s weekend to have the girls and the morning started out like any typical Saturday. He dropped Sienna off at girl scouts and then he and Jillian went about their morning. They didn’t get far when Jesse started feeling dizzy and his vision was blurring. It takes a lot to bring this General down, but he knew to pull into a parking lot and call for help.  

Next thing I know I’m getting texts and phone calls that I need to pick up Sien from Scouts and that Jesse was in the e.r. And Jilli is there too with her grampa. 

After many tests, they found a hole in his heart that possibly caused him to have a mini stroke. The crazy thing is that they saw evidence of him having another stroke within the last year. He will have to have surgery to repair this hole in the next few days.

He is in good spirits and resting comfortably in his hospital room. Right now I am asking for all Jillian’s Army to once again come to battle….

Please send all your love, prayers, energy and well wishes for a successful surgery and speedy healing for General Dad. The girls are very upset that their “daddy has to sleep at the hosible all by himself”…

It breaks my heart to see them so upset. So troops….. I call on you….


Happy Mother’s Day 2016

Hi Troops!! CIC momma here to wish you all a very happy mother’s day! I am blessed to have both my girls here with me on this beautiful Sunday. Both of them happy and healthy… I don’t take it for granted.  We had our traditional mom’s day breakfast at my sister Lisa’s house. The girls got a little pool time in too. Then off to the movies to see Jungle Book… GREAT MOVIE!!!

Wishing you all a peaceful day of coffee just the way you like it, no chores and no whining or temper tantrums! Blessed Be…


Happy 6th Birthday to our Warrior

Hi troops! CIC momma here with an announcement…

Let’s wish our little warrior a very happy 6th birthday today! She amazes us all with her strength and her determination! So full of energy and spirit. Love her to the moon and back!!! Happy birthday Baby Bear!!!

Changes and 2 years NED

Looking at my Timehop today, I saw Commander in Chief Mom’s post about Jillian being one year NED (No Evidence of Disease) from a year ago today. The Moore family is so excited to be here now at 2 years cancer free and 1-1/2 years post treatment with clear scans.

Amber’s post a year ago was delayed a day due to the loss of their family dog Sahvin. This quote stuck with me as I re-read her post "Back to trying to find another ‘new normal’. Life is all about change and we all have to learn to adjust."

Here we are a year later and change is still a relevant theme. Change is a constant for all of us and the Moore family is no different. The biggest change this year for Jillian and her sister, Sienna, has been their adjustment to having two houses. Amber and Jesse’s divorce was final at the beginning of the year, and the girls now have two houses and two sets of bedrooms. So if future photos show different houses and different rooms you can understand that they are either at "mommy’s house" or "daddy’s house". They remain friends and talk daily. Amber and Jesse did go through a lot with Jillian being sick, but for the record that isn’t something that they consider a contributing factor to their divorce. They came together just like Jillian’s Army did when Jillian was sick. Because of that, they felt like the Army should be in the loop.

What hasn’t changed is their rank as General Dad and CIC Momma of Jillian’s Army and more importantly the parents of Sienna and Jillian. They appreciate how you have all stood beside them and continued to follow Jiliian’s story. Their extended family and friends appreciate you all as well. Thanks for continuing to care about our little soldier. SALUTE!!

-Aunt Paula

A year and a half out and still cancer free!

Well good morning troops!!! Yes, I know… We have been MIA for a while now. Life has a crazy way of being BUSY!!! 

First the news we all want to hear, Jillian had scans again the last 2 days and remains NED!!! The best news ever!!!! She continues to beat the monster. General dad and I are elated at this news! We can breather again.. At least for another 6 months.

And in other news, Jilli is doing great in Kindergarten and her big sister Sienna is also doing great in school. Life is just one crazy day after another. But I must say, the further we get from treatment, the harder it is to return to the hospital for labs, scans, etc. But we are doing the best we can to return to a normal life.  

And hey… What’s normal??? Just a setting on a dryer!

Happy Spring, Happy Easter!!!! Most importantly, happy everyday!!

CIC momma 


Merry Christmas 2015

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!

2016 is going to be a year of change.  Lots of different things going on in our lives. The one thing I’ve been telling the girls is that the one constant thing about life is “change”. Things are always changing like the seasons. And with every season lies a new adventure waiting to be discovered. It can be scary, it can be sad but it can also be exciting …. It is what you make it. 

I will leave that topic alone for now… 

The girls had another wonderful Christmas spent with family. Santa was certainly good to them this year. Now…. What to do with all these toys????? Ahhhh!!!! 

Jillian is still doing great. She does not go back for labs until January and scans are now every 6 months. She had a check up on her eyes and we found out that she needs glasses. Not a side effect of chemo… Bad genetics!! Lol. But she doesn’t seem to mind the idea of wearing glasses. Her eyes aren’t too bad, she just needs a little help with distance.

We also got an extra special Christmas blessing this week! I am a great aunt for the first time!!! Jillian and Sienna are super excited and can’t wait to meet their new baby cousin that was born on Dec 23rd. Welcome to the world Quinn Valerie Stone!!! And to my niece Kayla and her hubby Zac… Jesse and I are super proud of you both. We know you will be great parents! We love you! 

I continue to thank you all for your love and support! Hope you had a fabulous holiday and please be safe out there however you ring in the new year!


CIC momma

One Year Post Treatment 

It’s been one year since Jillian’s treatment ended…. And once again Dr. B wants scans.  Well…. She is all clear!!!!!! She has been NED for a year and a half, done with treatment for one year! And continues to beat this monster! Our warrior is strong. And it’s because all of your love, prayers and support…. Thank you for continuing to follow our story.


CIC momma 


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