Jillian's Army

A site to provide updates on Jillian Moore's fight against Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer

Day +3

Another day down & another step towards the worse. Low grade fever started and they changed her status from a 0 to a 3, meaning her condition got a bit more critical. The rapid response team shows up to start a party in our room at 3 am. Boy do they take this stuff seriously! It has been agreed that a constant drip of hydromorphone is necessary to keep her as comfortable as possible til she starts on the upswing. She is sleeping most of the day but wakes up occasionally to take her oral meds and walk the halls. She is a champ! We also made a new Jilli Tree!! It’s winter now so we made a cool one that lights up!! Jilli helped glue the snow on the branches. We love craft time! Please pray for her WBC to rise quickly and heal her poor little body. Love you all!

CIC momma





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